What if I could show you one simple tweak that could 10x your trading results
over the next 12 months?

Hey, Brad here again.  I just wanted to hop on video to tell you about a really special opportunity before I let you go.

By now, I’m sure you understand that joining my TradeSmart research service is going to put you ahead of 99% of the traders and investors out there.

All my research shows that my powerful algorithms could have helped you 15x your money over the last five years …

Turning every $10,000 invested into $150,000 …

Every $25,000 invested into $375,000 …

And every $100,000 invested into $1.5 million.

This is one of the most powerful algorithms, I’ve ever created …

And I’m sure your excited to dive in and see what’s waiting.

But before you go, I want to ask you a simple question …

What if I could show you a simple tweak you could make to the TradeSmart algorithm …

That would give you the chance to 10x those results over the next few years.

Would that be something you’re interested in hearing about?

If so, then stay with me …

Because I’m about to share an exclusive opportunity that could help you turbocharge your results.

It’s called TradeSmart Options …

And it’s one of the biggest breakthroughs in algorithmic trading to date.

Because it leverages the power of options to give you the chance to collect gains of 131%, 247% even 300% or more … all in 30 days or less.

Let me show you a quick example.

On November 30th, my TradeSmart algorithm alerted me that XLB was about to see a quick move to the upside …

But instead of sending out a buy alert on XLB, I told my beta testers to buy the January 19 $82 calls for $1.72 …

That’s just $172 a contract, and you can never lose more.

Take a look at what happened next.

Over the next 30 days, XLB shot up around 5%, which is pretty good for an ETF of this size.

But the options I recommended did much, much better.

They soared 131% in just 15 days …

Giving you the chance to make about 26x higher gains in about half the time.

Or how about this call I made on SLV.

On March 6, my algorithm gave an alert that SLV was about to pop.

So I told my beta testers to buy the May $22 call for $1 or $100 a contract.

Sure enough, SLV went on a tear, soaring almost 30% over the next two months.

But once again, my option recommendations did much, much better.

In fact, I recommended my beta testers cash out at $4 just four days later …

That’s a whopping 300% return in under a week!

And that’s just the beginning, during my three months of beta testing this strategy, I closed out eight more winners, including a:

Add it up, and you’re looking at an average gain of 133% across all these recommendations …

Which means, if you put just $2,500 into each one of these picks …

You could have walked away with around $36,700 in profits in just a few short months.

To put it simply, if you like the results you can achieve trading stocks with my algorithms …

You’re going to LOVE the results you can achieve using options

Which is why I want to give you this one-time chance to become a charter member of this service at an unprecedented discount.

But before I tell you about this special deal …

Let me show you everything you get if you decide to become a member of TradeSmart options today.

First, you’ll get 3 to 4 fully vetted trade recommendations sent directly to your inbox every single month.

Recommendations that give you the chance to double, triple, even quadruple your money in 30 days or less.

Here’s how it works …

I’ll use my proprietary algorithms to constantly scour the markets looking for options plays ready to soar.

As soon as I get a buy signal, I’ll instantly send an alert to your email or mobile phone via text.

The alert will include all the information you need to make the trade, including the options symbol, the buy up to price and any other special instructions you may need to make the trade.

All you have to do is go online and click buy. 

And when it’s time to sell, I’ll send a follow up alert to your email or cell phone telling you it’s time to get out.

It’s simple, it’s easy and it can really help accelerate your trading results over the next few months.

In addition, you’ll also receive Weekly Trading Room Videos.

Every week I’ll update you on the state of the markets, I’ll give you my outlook on the next seven days and I’ll walk you through any updates on our positions.

You’ll also get 24/7 access to the TradeSmart Options website, where you can check the model portfolio, browse our past trade alerts and weekly updates, and check out any of our training materials at your convenience.

You’ll also receive my options 101 training guide. 

Plus, you’ll receive TradeSmart Options Concierge Service

When you join my TradSmart Options service, you become a part of an elite community and I’m making it my mission to ensure you’re treated as such.

Which why I’m going to give you access to your own private member mailbag and a dedicated customer service experience to help you with any questions you may have about your membership.

As you can see, I’ve done everything in my power to deliver incredible value inside my TradeSmart Options research service.

Keep in mind, this service is built on top of the same algorithms that could have handed you over 1,500% in total returns since 2019 …

And, over the course of my beta test, anyone who put just $2,500 into each one of my picks could have walked away with around $36,700 in profits in just a few short months.

So I think I could easily charge $10,000 a year for this service and it would still be a bargain.

But on this page and this page only, I’m offering you the chance to lock in a membership to TradeSmart Options for the low price of $299 a quarter.

You will never pay a penny more.

I think you’ll agree that upgrading to TradeSmart Options could wind up being one of the best financial decisions you make all year. 

Plus, You’re Still Protected by my
100% Money Back Guarantee

Simply take the next xx days to try out my TradeSmart Options membership.

Watch the training tutorials, trade or paper trade the service, and take a few weeks to check out all our weekly updates. 

If, over the next xx days, you decide for any reason at all, that TradeSmart Options is not for you …

Just give my customer service team a call and they’ll refund you every penny you paid here today.

Remember, time is of the essence.

I spent years of my life working tirelessly to perfect these algorithms …

I’ve poured my blood, sweat and tears into creating strategies that can help you achieve all your trading goals.

At this point, the fact that I’m willing to give you complete and unfettered access to options recommendations that could hand you thousands a month in profits …

For the low price of just $299 a quarter …

Seems like an absolute steal.

Which is why I currently have no plans of making this offer available anywhere else.

This is a one-time offer that will expire as soon as you leave this page.

Remember, I’m offering you a xx-day, 100% money back guarantee.  Which means you have nothing to risk by choosing to join TradeSmart Options today.

Which is I strongly encourage you to step forward and take me up on my offer.

This is your chance to get 10x the results … 

All for one low payment of just $299 today.

Click the “YES” button below I’ll immediately upgrade you to a quarterly subscription to TradeSmart Options for just $299 today.

Remember, this is the one and only time you will see this offer.

This offer is 100% risk-free, you can cancel this upgrade at any time over the next xx days and receive a full refund.

So what are you waiting for? Click the “YES” button below to claim your TradeSmart Options Membership right now.

Your Special Price Today: $299

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